中国招生考试网 专题列表




英语口语考试怎样查询(一)2015全国各省市高考英语口语成绩查询入口汇总     2015年大部分地区高考英语口语将会在2015年3、4月份举行,考试结束后同学们最关心的莫过于是自己的考试成绩了,下面是中国招生考试网(已开通 电信固话、CDMA手机、小灵通、联通及铁通拨通96040 联通用户拔打96962199 移动用户拨打1259025679或1259025157 查看详情 宁夏 宁夏教育考试院信息网( 查看详情 天津 天津招考资讯网( 168声讯台16893888、1603888 查看详情 吉林 吉林教育信息网( 吉林教育电视台( 查看详情 贵州 贵州招生考试中心( 移动和联通用户:106299551020 电信用户号码为:10659666 查看详情 甘肃 甘肃高招办公室(www.gszs.cn或 小灵通或固定电话拨打1688780


英语口语短文30篇(一)英语口语对话短文 Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person .I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on. A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?


篇一:英语口语培训心得2011年7月4日至7月22日,我参加了2015英语口语培训心得 2015英语口语培训心得 第1篇:英语口语培训心得 2015年7月4日至7月22日,我参加了由包河区教育局组织的英语口语培训活动。尊敬的学校领导们把信任与期望给了我,于是我很荣幸的获得了这次宝贵的提升专业素质和业务素质的机会,使我无论是在英语水平、教学思想还是人生态度方面都受益匪浅。 此次培训是全外教授课,实行小班教学。在培训期间,以口语练习为主,兼顾日常生活,文化背景以及英语教学方法的介绍和指导,让我们英语教师在异国历史,文化习俗的氛围下自然的去感受语言,学说语言,掌握其实际应用技巧。我是一名教学经验尚浅的英语教师,我很珍惜这次机会,在整个培训过程中,学习认真刻苦,积极主动的去获取更多的说英语的机会。 这短暂的15天的学习是紧张而充实的。上午8点30分至11点30分,紧跟着12点30分至2点30分,每天5个小时与和外教FacetoFace。外教们给我们营造一个纯英语的学习环境,培养我们的英文惯性思维能力,我们在课堂上只讲英语,每天都在一个全英文的环境中实践与提高,这样大脑每天不断在接受纯正、地


英语口语 speech话题演讲英语口语演讲话题 第一篇 1.What are the things to consider when purchasing a house or apartment? What does everyone need to know before taking the big leap into buying a new home? Here are 5 key factors to consider before signing on the dotted line. (1) Do You Have Enough Money? This one seems obvious, but still bears mentioning. Why waste your time looking at homes only to find out that you cannot afford them?


【英语口语培训】新起点英语简介英语口语培训概括(一) 书 院 简 介 阳朔新起点英文书院(New Start Language College)创办于2009年春,是经教育局批准成立的正规语言类培训学校。新起点学校坐落于风景秀丽,外宾云集的桂林阳朔县城内,距驰名中外的阳朔西街仅百米之遥。阳朔,中国最大的外语角,常驻外国人达几千人,让你不出国就能有“留学”的感觉,完全浸泡在全外语的语言环境。新起点自创办以来,充分利用阳朔外国人多的得天独厚的语言环境,理论结合实践,采用全日制、全封闭、浸泡式、超小班、量化理论、魔鬼考核等教学模式相结合的英语培训机构,在最短时间内彻底粉碎你的“聋哑英语”、“中式英语”,成为让人羡慕的双语国际人。 新起点根据国人学习英语的特点,研发出适合中国人学习英语、实用性强、以学员为中心的新起点英语教学理念,中国人在英语学习方面最弱的环节是英语听力和英语口语,如同老牛拉慢车。花费了大量的时间和金钱却不见效果。新起点通过模拟一



标签: 英语口语 范文 比赛 关键词: 英语口语 范文
英语口语比赛范文(三篇)   Good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.下面是中国招生考试网小编整理的英语口语比赛范文(三篇),供大家参考!   英语口语比赛范文一   Good afternoon, honorable judges, dear teachers & friends.英语口语比赛范文(三篇)   Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.   However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don’t think so. I believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and


以下是中国招生考试网整理的《英语口语8000句文本:感谢与道歉》,希望大家喜欢!1.谢谢thank you2.不管怎么样,都得谢谢你。thanks anyway3.谢谢你所做的一切thanks for everything4.我非常感谢你I am very grateful5,不用谢you are welcome6.对不起i am sorry7.请原谅我please forgive me8.没关系it doesn't matter9.我不会向他道歉的。i never apologize to him.感谢M:Can i have change for the telephone please?W:Sure,here you are.M: Thanks a lot.W:Not at all.Do you know where is the nearest phone boxes ?M:No.W:Behine my shop, there is one.M:You are really nice.


以下是中国招生考试网整理的《英语口语8000句:批评与责备》,希望大家喜欢!Can't you be serious?You're so full of yourself.How could you do such a foolish thing?Your are to blame.Put yourself in my shoes.I've had enough of your excuses.You have to pay for that.Don't talk back to me.I didn't do anything wrong.I take the blame.批评I wish I knew who had moved my flowerpots.It was me,I'm so sorry!What did you think you were doing?I had to move it so I can get my bike through.How dare you be so inconsiderate? That's wrong!I'm awfully sorry. I didn't think your'd mind so much.Never do that again!I promise.