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星火英语2000词α波记忆音乐(一)星火英语2000高频词 一、Result结果,成绩,比分,导致,起因于 二、View眼界,风景,看法,想法,看待观察 三、Level水平面,水平线,水平,等级,水平的,使变平坦 四、Condition状况,状态,环境 五、Earn获得,取得,学到 Likely很可能,有希望,可能的 Process进程,过程,工序,程序,手续,加工,处理


★中国招生考试网英语听力频道为大家整理的星火英语听力下载:关于人类同情心的研究,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站英语听力频道。Learning SympathyA big part of being human is feeling sympathy, but just how early on in our lives we learn this is something that scientists would like to know.From Self-Awareness To Other-AwarenessBehavioral scientists know that newborns respond to the emotional states of other people, by crying when other babies cry. However, babies can’t distinguish between themselves and others — shown by recognizing themselves in a mirror — until they’re eighteen to twenty months old. Toddlers also start to show concern for others around this time.Kids also begin to do things like comfort other people at about this age. By the time they’re three, most children will try to protect a victim from a bully in a figh