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标签: 课文 翻译 whose bag 关键词: bag dress whose this is
whose,bag,is,this课文翻译(一)七下外研版英语M1U1 Whose bag is this M1 Lost and found U1 Whose bag is this? 学习目标: 1、知识目标:掌握词汇whose , lose ,find , mine, yours , hers, be careful with , on; 会 运用名词性物主代词。 2、重点句型: this? It’s mine Is this ...yours? 教学重难点 听力理解能力的培养;名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词;询问物品的



标签: whose bag 关键词: dress book whose this is
whose,bag,is,this(一)外研版七年级英语下M1U1whose bag is this设计李金芳 第三届全国中小学 “教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案名称:Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 教案设计 山东省昌乐外国语学校 李金芳



标签: whose talk lets itPA dog 关键词: whose dog it is 课件
whose,dog,is,itPA,lets,talk(一)新人教版Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Let’s talk【whose,dog,is,itPA,lets,talk】 新桥小学五年级英语集体备课教案【whose,dog,is,itPA,lets,talk】【whose,dog,is,itPA,lets,talk】 whose,dog,is,itPA,lets,talk(二)新人教版Unit_5_Whose_dog_is_it?_A_Let’s_talk 小学五年级英语备课教案

who is Cousin Harry教案


标签: 教案 Cousin Harry who 关键词: 教案
  下面是中国招生考试网小编为大家带来的who is Cousin Harry教案,希望能帮助到大家!   who is Cousin Harry教案(1)   Titlewho is Cousin Harry   Teaching aimsTarget   languagesThis is my sister.   That is my brother.   This is Harry's brothers   Those are Anne's parents   Is this Harry’s cousin?   Are these his brothers?   SkillsTalk about the family members   Introduce the family members to others   Emotions & culturesTo know the usual way to get to know each other.   To develop the student’s ability to communicate and cooperate with others.   Learning strategiesUsing what you know, deducing, personalizing   Key wordsFather, mother, parents, grandmother, grandfather, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin   Important & Difficult PointsTo know the differences



标签: whose lets talk dog 关键词: whose dog it is 课件
whose,dog,is,it,a,lets,talk(一)新人教版Unit 5 Whose dog is it? A Let’s talk 新桥小学五年级英语集体备课教案【whose,dog,is,it,a,lets,talk】【whose,dog,is,it,a,lets,talk】【whose,dog,is,it,a,lets,talk】 whose,dog,is,it,a,lets,talk(二)新人教版Unit_5_Whose_dog_is_it?_A_Let’s_talk 小学五年级英语备课教案