中国招生考试网 专题列表



unit6lm going to study computer science 检测题

  用指定的方法检验测试某种物体(气体、液体、固体)指定的技术性能指标。适用于各种行业范畴的质量评定,如:土木建筑工程、水利、食品、化学、环境、机械、机器等等。下面是中国招生考试网 小编为大家带来的unit6lm going to study computer science 检测题,希望能帮助到大家!    unit6lm going to study computer science 检测题   课后训练   Ⅰ.根据句意、首字母或汉语提示完成单词   1.Why do you q______ the right of the decision?   2.We should keep our p______.   3.What's his ______(爱好) at the university?   4.How are you going to improve your ______ (关系) with your friends?   5.It's important to care about our ______(身体的) health.   Ⅱ.单项选择   1.______ of the year,w e often make a promise.   A.At the beginning   B.At the begining   C.From the beginnin g D.From the beginning   2.I'm going to ______ my room ______ tomorrow morning.   A.tidy;on B.tidy;/   C.clean;on D.clean;at   3.Now students,